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Introducing our Mini Stationary Kit! Whether you're a student, professional, or just someone who loves stationery, our eco-friendly mini stationery kit is a must-have. It's the perfect way to stay organized while also doing your part for the planet. This kit is precisely made with the goal of minimizing environmental effects while enjoying beautiful and practical stationaries. Inside, you'll find a range of sustainable products made from eco-friendly materials. From recycled newspaper pencils to recycled paper pens, each item is selected with sustainability in mind. We've also included a pair of plantable pencil and plantable pen that can be planted once it's been used up. And finally, to make it a whole package, plantable notepad is added. Now jot down your every little thing with a feeling that makes you proud on your contribution towards the environment.


Product Features:


  • Plantable Notepad: Pages of our notepads are made from recycled papers whereas the covers are made from seed papers that can be planted after use. The whole jackpot of sustainability in one notepad! Don't forget to water the seeds to sprout and after that Do take care of it as any other sampling so that it grows into a plant.
  • Plantable Pen: Made from recycled papers and comes with seeds enclosed in a capsule at the tip of the pen. After use tear of the cellulose capsule and plant the seeds. Don't forget to water the seeds to sprout and after that Do take care of it as any other sampling so that it grows into a plant.
  • Paper Pen: Made from recycled papers that is carefully designed to promote sustainability and packed in biodegradable and reusable packaging.
  • Newspaper Pencil: Made from recycled newspaper.
  • Plantable Pencils: Made from recycled papers and comes with seeds enclosed in a capsule at the tip of the pencil. After use instead of throwing you can plant these pencils. The capsule made from cellulose will dissolve from contact with water and soil without leaving any by-products behind making the seeds to come out. Don't forget to water the seeds to sprout and after that Do take care of it as any other sampling so that it grows into a plant.


Lets take the first step towards sustainability with this Stationary Kit.

PampEarth Mini Stationery Kit

₹399.00 Regular Price
₹249.00Sale Price
Taxes Included

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